I really need to yank that pygmy date palm out. It's the only non-native plant and it just doesn't fit in. Otherwise, things look pretty good. I think a few of the goldenrod missed their spring flowering period and will continue to grow upwards all summer if not whacked back. This plant (seaside goldenrod) is accustomed to dry sand and full sun at the beach so it usually finds home garden conditions a little too friendly.

Here's an overall shot of the new (to me) tickseed Coreopsis basalis, known by the common names goldmane, golden wave and calliposis. I like the bushy plant appearance compared to the similar but skinnier Coreopsis trinctoria.

A vertical shot shows the length of the meadow. One of the reasons I like the morning is that the red/tropical sage has new and very bright red flowers that have usually dried out or fallen off by the time I get home.

A closer look at some red sage seedlings. This is a good reliable reseeder.

I think I only bought one or maybe two pink phenotypes when I planted the meadow, but they seem to be propogating themselves nicely.

Remember, the USF Botanical Gardens is having their annual Butterfly, Herb and Native Plant Fair this weeekend.
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