Spring is in full swing. The front yard meadow is just starting to bust out with flowers and the backyard is greening up nicely. I'm very happy with the amount of plants that have come up from seeds deposited by last year's crop.
It looks like the blanket flower will have some company this year in the form of several varieties of coreopsis. This should add a little more yellow than previous years.

Last year I planted three Coreopsis basalis but they didn't last too long. I gave up on them, but they have come back from seed very strongly. Each of the old planting spots now has a healthy clump of several plants. Awesome.

A Coreopsis lanceolata (left) and the basalis pop up next to each other.

Gotta love the blanket flower.

A large black-eyed susan leads the flower charge leading up to the house bed.

V explores the backyard and is happy to still be taller than this oakleaf hydrangea.

Looks like a nice day for a nap in the forest hammock.

The blue-flag iris throws up a few signature blooms around Easter.

V would like you to smell it (go ahead, lean in real close ;)

See, like this.

Laurel oaks get very tall. If you try real hard, you might be able to see the top.

Back in the front yard, a necklace pod flower stands out against a blue sky.

I threw down a bunch of downy phlox seed last year. Didn't get a great response back then and I've only seen this one so far this year.

Another look at that fabulous black-eyed susan plant.

Siamese flowers.

A pineywoods dropseed flower catches the light.

A nice little cluster of tickseed.

A bee visits the first flowers of the season.